Spoilers ahead!

the cast

A-Un [阿吽]
Princess Abi [阿毘姫]
Akago [赤子]
Nobunaga Amari [甘利信長]
Ape Demon [ひひの妖怪]
Asano Souju [阿佐野双樹]
Asuka [飛鳥]
Ayame [菖蒲]
Ayumi [あゆみ]
Bankotsu [蛮骨]
Bear Demon [熊妖怪]
Bird of Paradise [極楽鳥]
Bokusen-Oh [朴仙翁]
Botan [牡丹]
Bunza [ブンザ]
Buso [ブン]
Byakko [白虎]
Centipede-Mistress [百足上臈]
Chiyo [千代]
Chokyuukai [猪九戒]
Clay Soldiers [人形兵]
Corpse Crow
Coyote-Demon [山犬妖怪]
Demon Head [鬼の首]
Demon Worm Charmer
Enju [炎珠]
Entei [炎蹄]
Eri [絵理]
Exorcist [祓い屋]
Eye Monster [化け物]
Flat Demon [妖怪平薄平]
Fox Demons [子狐妖怪]
Gakusanjin [岳山人]
Garamaru [蛾羅丸]
Gatenmaru [蛾天丸]
Genbu [玄武]
Ginkotsu [銀骨]
Ginta [銀太]
Gohou / Mew [ごほう]
Goryomaru [御霊丸]
Goshinki [悟心鬼]
Goso [ゴン]
Gozu [牛頭]
Gyuoh [牛王]
Haachi [八衛門狸]
Hair Monster [毛むくじゃらの化け物]
Hakkaku [白角]
Hakudoshi [白童子]
Hakushin [白心上人]
Hell-Painter [紅達]
Sota Higurashi [日暮草太]
Mama Higurashi [ママ]
Kagome Higurashi [日暮かごめ]
Gramps [じいちゃん]
Hijiri-sama [聖様]
Hiten [飛天]
Hitomi [ひとみ]
Hiyoshimaru [日吉丸]
Hojo [北条]
Akitoki Hojo
Hoshiyomi [星黄泉]
Housenki [宝仙鬼]
Housenki’s Son [宝仙鬼の息子]
Satoru Ikeda
Mrs. Ikeda [悟の母]
Mayu Ikeda [真由]
Inuyasha [犬夜叉]
Inuyasha’s mother [犬夜叉の母]
Inuyasha (young)
Inuyasha’s father [犬夜叉の父]
Ippou / Oyabun [いっぽう]
Izumo [出雲]
Jaken [邪見]
Jakotsu [蛇骨]
Jinenji [地念児]
Jippou / Oyabin [じっぽう]
Juromaru [獣郎丸]
Kaede [楓]
Kaede (young) [楓(少女時代)]
Kageromaru [影郎丸]
Hitomi Kagewaki [人見蔭刀]
Kagura [神楽]
Kaijinbo [灰刃坊]
Kanna [神無]
Kanta [甘太]
Karan [夏嵐]
Kasumi Sennin [霞仙人]
Kawaramaru [瓦丸]
Keso [ケン]
Kikyo [桔梗]
Kirara [雲母]
Kisuke [喜助]
Kochou [胡蝶]
Kodoku [蠱毒]
Koga [鋼牙]
Kohaku [琥珀]
Koharu [小春]
Koryu [紅竜]
Koume [こう]
Koyuki [小雪]
Kuroro [クロロ]
Kyokotsu [凶骨]
Lizard Demon [イモリ妖怪]
Manten [満天]
Mantis Mutant
Mezu [馬頭]
Midoriko [翠子]
Mimisenri [耳千里]
Miroku [弥勒]
Miroku (young) [勒 (子供時代)]
Mizuki [みずき]
Momiji [紅葉]
Monkey God [猿神さま]
Moryomaru [魍魎丸]
Motoko [無男]
Mou-mou [猛々]
Mukotsu [霧骨]
Mushin [夢心]
Musou [無双]
Myoga [冥加]
Nanafushi [ナナフシ]
Naraku [奈落]
Nazuna [なずな]
Noh Mask [呪いの能面]
Nushi [主—大ナマズ]
Old man [おじいさん]
Old Woman [おばあさん]
Ongokuki [音獄鬼]
Onigumo [鬼蜘蛛]
Orge [鬼]
Orochidayu [オロチ太夫]
Oyakata [お館様]
Parasite Pupa
Praying Mantis
Princess in the Mist [姫]
Rasetsu no Kansuke [羅刹の勘助]
Rengokuki [煉獄鬼]
Renkotsu [煉骨]
Reverend [開道]
Rin [りん]
Royakan [狼野干]
Ryukotsusei [竜骨精]
Saimyoushou [最猛勝]
Salamander Monster [山椒魚妖怪]
Sango [珊瑚]
Sanpou / Oyapyon [さんぽう]
Sara [娑蘿]
Satsuki [サツキ]
Satsuki’s brother [サツキの兄]
Sayo [小夜]
Seikai [僧]
Seiri [青龍]
Serina [セリナ]
Sesshomaru [殺生丸]
Sha Gojo [沙悟凈]
Shako [シャコ]
Shihou / Myo [しほう]
Shikigami: Snake [式神]
Shima [志麻]
Shinosuke [篠助]
Shinsen Priest [神泉和尚]
Shintarou [新太郎]
Shiori [紫織]
Shippo [七宝]
Shironyuudou [白入道]
Shizu [紫津]
Shoga [生姜]
Shokichi [小吉]
Shouji [唱沈]
Shousuke [小助]
Shunran [春嵐]
Shuran [秋嵐]
Snow Demon [雪妖怪]
Snow Leopard [雪豹]
Son Goku [孙悟空]
Soul Catcher [死魂虫]
Giant Soul Catcher [巨大死魂虫]
Soul Piper [タタリモッケ]
Souten [蒼天]
Spider Head [蜘蛛頭]
Suekichi [末吉]
Suikotsu [睡骨]
Suzaku [朱雀]
Suzuna [スズナ]
Taigokumaru [大獄丸]
Kuranosukea Takeda [武田蔵之介]
Taromaru [太郎丸]
Tekkei [鉄鶏]
Tessu [鉄鼠]
Three-Tailed Kitsune [三尾の狐]
Toad of Tsukumo [九十九の蝦蟇]
Tokajin [桃果人]
Toran [冬嵐]
Totosai [刀々斎]
Tree of Human-faced Fruit [人面果]
Tsubaki [Tsubaki]
Tsubaki (young) [椿]
Tsukiyomi [月黄泉]
Tsukuyomaru [月夜丸]
Princess Tsuyu [露姫]
Un-mother [妖怪無女]
Ungai [雲涯]
Urasue [裏陶]
Wakana [若菜]
Water God (Evil) [ニセ水神]
Water Goddess [女神]
Weasel Demon [[いたち妖怪]
Wolf Demon Elder [長老]
Yuka [由加]
Yuki’s Brother
Yukichi [利吉]
Yura of the Demon-Hair [逆髮の結羅]
Yuuta [勇太]
Tsukiyomi [月黄泉]

Warrior who fell in love with the demon Hoshiyomi. Harrassed by demons for this ill-fated relationship, Hoshiyomi commissioned Kaijinbo to forge the Halberd of Yin & Yang. However, the demonic and powerful weapon began to possess Hoshiyomi. Fearing for his fate, Tsukiyomi sealed him so as to separate the Halberd. However her powers were drained and she died before she got release Hoshiyomi from the seal again. Hence Hoshiyomi bears a grudge against her.

Voice ActorYuri Amano
Inuyasha’ Jar#140 ·
SightingsEpisodes 139 · 140 ·
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Tsukuyomaru [月夜丸]

Shiori's bat demon father, who had her with Shizu. He empathized with humans and threatened Tagiokumaru to leave his guardianship if the Bat Demons didn't leave the village alone. He was killed by Tagiokumaru for his defiance.

Voice ActorTakuma Suzuki
SightingsEpisodes 74 ·
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Princess Tsuyu [露姫]

Princess from the land of Kai, who married a lord. Nobunaga started out to rescue her after hearing that the lord is acting strangely.

Voice ActorRyoka Yuzuki
SightingsEpisodes 8 ·
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Un-mother [妖怪無女]

A demon created from the forlorn spirits of mothers who lost children to famine or war. She has the ability to make children sink into her body and get to their innermost world. It is her nature to try to protect children.

Voice ActorKikuko Inoue
SightingsEpisodes 5 · 6 ·
Death noteDestroyed into pieces by blocking Sesshomaru's whip attack from Inuyasha.
NotesAlso known as Mu Onna
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Ungai [雲涯]

A highly esteemed monk who is well-versed in demon extermination. Has zero tolerance for demons, hence has a hard time understanding why Rin chooses to follow Sesshomaru, or Kagome with Inuyasha.

Voice ActorTetsuo Komura
Death tollKilled Ongokuki ·
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Urasue [裏陶]

A witch who resurrected the dead was to take advantage of their skills. She bakes souls and bones to make clay warriors. She stole Kikyo's ashes to revive her in the same way, in the hope that Kikyo would use her powers to gather the Sacred Jewel fragments. She also raised Enju to take advantage of her ceramics artisan skills and Kawaramau to use his commandeering skills.

Voice ActorYoshiko Ohta
Inuyasha’ Jar#14 ·
SightingsEpisodes 14 · 15 · 92 ·
Death noteBurnt into ashes by Kikyo when she grabbed Urasue's shoulders.
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Wakana [若菜]

A young woman betrothed to Shinosuke. She was stayed in a village of women who lost their husbands and children to the war, and were manipulated by salamanders.

Voice ActorSayaka Ohara
SightingsEpisodes 131 · 132 ·
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Water God (Evil) [ニセ水神]

A water sprite that lived in the lake in the temple of Water God. He resorted to trickery, sealed the true Water God in a cave. He took the Trident of Amakoi [あまこいの鉾] and declared himself the Water God, demanding children as sacrifices to appease his frequent flooding of a village.

Voice ActorRyunosuke Ohbayashi
Inuyasha’ Jar#27 ·
SightingsEpisodes 27 ·
Death noteSucked into Miroku's Wind Tunnel after being slaughtered by Inuyasha and Sango.
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Water Goddess [女神]

Tricked by a water sprite and sealed in a cave.

Voice ActorMasako Katsuki
Inuyasha’ Jar#27 ·
Weapons / AttacksTrident of Amakoi [あまこいの鉾]
SightingsEpisodes 27 ·
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Weasel Demon [[いたち妖怪]

An ungainly demon who attacked the domesticated animals and farms of Plum village [梅村]. Often mis

Voice ActorNaoki Tatsuta
SightingsEpisodes 93 ·
Death noteWas frightened by Miroku's Wind Tunnel and promised to stay out of the village. Ran back to the mountains like a true weasel.
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Wolf Demon Elder [長老]

Ayame's grandfather who is also the Elder of a Wolf-Demon tribe. Sent her to marry Koga in the hope that he can reunite the warring tribes.

Voice ActorHiroshi Naka
SightingsEpisodes 83 · 102 ·
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Yuka [由加]

Kagome's friend and classmate in present day Japan. Forms the trio of Kagome's classmates with Eri and Ayumi.

Voice ActorKaori Shimizu
Inuyasha’ Jar#160 ·
SightingsEpisodes 11 · 12 · 13 · 20 · 21 · 29 · 38 · 39 · 48 · 57 · 60 · 62 · 69 · 75 · 82 · 89 · 90 · 100 · 127 · 128 · 137 · 138 · 140 · 160 · FA.01 ·
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A pair of siblings who lost their parents to Goshinki after he ravaged the entire village. Were about to be devoured by Goshinki before Inuyasha saved them.

Voice ActorSayaka Aida
SightingsEpisodes 43 ·
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Yuki’s Brother

A pair of siblings who lost their parents to Goshinki after he ravaged the entire village. Were about to be devoured by Goshinki before Inuyasha saved them.

Voice ActorSachi Matsumoto
SightingsEpisodes 43 ·
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Yukichi [利吉]

A villager who helps out with Kaede in demon-extermination.

Voice ActorToshihiko Nakajima
SightingsEpisodes 1 · 2 · 14 · 89 ·
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One of the dried demon meat brought over to the modern era, which will turn back into a demon when cooked. It was reborn when Kagome brought it over to the Culture Festival as part of an exotic dish. Literally a fish out of water, who couldn't put up a good fight, Inuyasha sliced it and presented it as the last exotic dish - gigantic sashimi.

SightingsEpisodes 128 ·
Death noteDeath by sashimi
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Yura of the Demon-Hair [逆髮の結羅]

A female demon who arises from a bewitched Adornment Comb of the Dead. She kills humans and collects their hair and skulls to form her lair. She is adept at manipulating hair, similar to a puppeteer.

Voice ActorAkiko Yajima
Inuyasha’ Jar#4 ·
Weapons / AttacksElf-fire hair [鬼火髪] and Hair Cage [髪檻].
Sacred JewelSnatched Kagome's first fragment
SightingsEpisodes 3 · 4 · 5 ·
Death noteDestroyed by Kagome, by driving an arrow into the bewitched comb.
Last words“That woman… I'll kill her!”
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Yuuta [勇太]

An orphan who helps out the physician Suikotsu. Was nearly killed by Suikotsu when he turned back to the Shichinintai.

Voice ActorTomoko Hayashi
Inuyasha’ Jar#109 ·
SightingsEpisodes 107 · 108 · 109 · 113 · 115 · 116 ·
Quotes If you ever meet Mister Suikotsu, please tell him that we're waiting for his return. —
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