Voice Actor | Kappei Yamaguchi |
Inuyasha’ Jar | #147 · 148 · #45 · #119 · #96 · #1 · #122 · |
Weapons / Attacks | Main weapon is Tetsusaiga [鉄砕牙], special claw attack is Iron-Reaver, Soul-Stealer [散魂鉄爪] and Blades of Blood [飛刃血爪]. With Tetsusaiga, he is able to invoke the Wind Scar [風の傷] (first performed in ep28), Backlash Wave [爆流破] (first performed in ep54) and Diamond Spear Blast [金剛槍破] (first performed in ep157). Armor includes a Fire-Rat Robe [火鼠の衣] which is resistant to fire. |
Quotes | Listen up, old hag! I'm one of the 'evil-doers' looking for the Jewel! —It's been fifty years since then... Inuyasha is still sealed to the Tree of Life. Inuyasha is as he was then. At that time, Sister knew her life was over. Then why did she choose to use a sealing arrow and not a purifying arrow? Why did she seal Inuyasha to the tree which transcends time, the Tree of Life? And why... although he hated my sister for sealing him onto the tree, Inuyasha's face still looks so peaceful? I still don't get it... I wonder if a day will come when I will fully understand...? —And I'm annoyed that we still can't find any leads. But you're annoyed almost everyday. —And you did nothing but watch Kikyo get killed?! I don’t even want to know how you are related… But the one who had killed Kikyo was Naraku… And the one who couldn’t save her, Inuyasha, is you. —How cute!!! Especially those ears… I love them! Give them to me. —He can hear me from that distance! Now that really is canine power. —
His strength makes up for his stupidity and immaturity! —You're [Inuyasha] really wound up tight, huh? —But isn’t he supposed to be the HERO?! —I can't go after every stupid demon. There's only one of me, after all. —"Pretty woman, short life." What a wise saying. Inuyasha! How can you stand there looking so blank?! Kagome is a beauty! So she may have been eaten up! So tell me what's pretty about Kagome? I've been thinking this from before, but I think your perception of beauty is a little off. Aghhh! No wonder you look and dress so weird! I agree… A red outfit is a bit troubling. I think you should dress with a little more refinement. Ahhh! Shut up! How did the subject turn to the way I dress? —You actually allow humans to tag along… Inuyasha, that’s your weakness. —Geez, but you're busy fellow. Changing into a human one minute, then a monster in the next. —Well… Someone who’s not rough… who’s not spoiled… who’s not short-tempered… who’s kind… and understanding… Yes… Perhaps I’d like someone who’s the complete opposite of Inuyasha… —Whenever you [Inuyasha] do a good deed, you become ill-tempered. —Myoga told me that when you're on the verge of death, you transform. Well…demon's blood does make up half of you. But if you ask me, that's not true strength. Inuyasha, as I explained, the weight of Tetsusaiga increased due to your fang. Originally, the Tetsusaiga was forged from just your father's fangs. In other words, you relied on your father for protection. However, this Tetsusaiga is different. You must master your own fang and protect your own self. When you can freely wield this new Tetsusaiga, is when you will truly have found your strength. —I don’t have enough lives to be around you all! —If I become a demon, will I become stronger inside? Can I forget Kikyo? Will my heart not be swayed by anyone else? —I’m not a demon…nor am I human. I don’t belong to either. So…I always believed that I had to create my place in life through power. That’s how I lived and then I realized, I was alone. That was the only way I knew how to live. —Damn it! She’s just a Jewel detector! —(to Miroku) I’m not good at thinking. You think of something. —Kikyo handed Naraku the Sacred Jewel fragment. Kikyo who had died once. Kikyo who arose again with a body made of clay. Kikyo who hates me. Kikyo who tried to kill Kagome. Where are you, my Kikyo? — |
Death toll | Killed Oyakata · Entei · Three-Tailed Kitsune · Garamaru · Bird of Paradise · Manten · Goshinki · Tessu · Giant Soul Catcher · Yumenamazu · Ryukotsusei · Juromaru · Snow Demon · Nanafushi · Kurotenmudake · Spider Head · Snow Leopard · Shironyuudou · Tsubaki · Kageromaru · Salamander Monster · Kaijinbo · Tree of Human-faced Fruit · Taigokumaru · Toad of Tsukumo · Kawaramaru · Noh Mask · Centipede-Mistress · Hiten · Bankotsu · |
Notes | Favorite Ninja food: Instant noodles and potato chips. Hates curry. Full human: Episodes 13, 44, 57, 58, 66, 67. Full demon: Episodes 43, 45, 52 & 54. |
Fanlisting | OSUWARI! - Fanlisting for Inuyasha The Kappei Index - Shrine for Kappei Yamaguchi, the voice of Inuyasha! |
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