Spoilers ahead!

the cast

A-Un [阿吽]
Princess Abi [阿毘姫]
Akago [赤子]
Nobunaga Amari [甘利信長]
Ape Demon [ひひの妖怪]
Asano Souju [阿佐野双樹]
Asuka [飛鳥]
Ayame [菖蒲]
Ayumi [あゆみ]
Bankotsu [蛮骨]
Bear Demon [熊妖怪]
Bird of Paradise [極楽鳥]
Bokusen-Oh [朴仙翁]
Botan [牡丹]
Bunza [ブンザ]
Buso [ブン]
Byakko [白虎]
Centipede-Mistress [百足上臈]
Chiyo [千代]
Chokyuukai [猪九戒]
Clay Soldiers [人形兵]
Corpse Crow
Coyote-Demon [山犬妖怪]
Demon Head [鬼の首]
Demon Worm Charmer
Enju [炎珠]
Entei [炎蹄]
Eri [絵理]
Exorcist [祓い屋]
Eye Monster [化け物]
Flat Demon [妖怪平薄平]
Fox Demons [子狐妖怪]
Gakusanjin [岳山人]
Garamaru [蛾羅丸]
Gatenmaru [蛾天丸]
Genbu [玄武]
Ginkotsu [銀骨]
Ginta [銀太]
Gohou / Mew [ごほう]
Goryomaru [御霊丸]
Goshinki [悟心鬼]
Goso [ゴン]
Gozu [牛頭]
Gyuoh [牛王]
Haachi [八衛門狸]
Hair Monster [毛むくじゃらの化け物]
Hakkaku [白角]
Hakudoshi [白童子]
Hakushin [白心上人]
Hell-Painter [紅達]
Sota Higurashi [日暮草太]
Mama Higurashi [ママ]
Kagome Higurashi [日暮かごめ]
Gramps [じいちゃん]
Hijiri-sama [聖様]
Hiten [飛天]
Hitomi [ひとみ]
Hiyoshimaru [日吉丸]
Hojo [北条]
Akitoki Hojo
Hoshiyomi [星黄泉]
Housenki [宝仙鬼]
Housenki’s Son [宝仙鬼の息子]
Satoru Ikeda
Mrs. Ikeda [悟の母]
Mayu Ikeda [真由]
Inuyasha [犬夜叉]
Inuyasha’s mother [犬夜叉の母]
Inuyasha (young)
Inuyasha’s father [犬夜叉の父]
Ippou / Oyabun [いっぽう]
Izumo [出雲]
Jaken [邪見]
Jakotsu [蛇骨]
Jinenji [地念児]
Jippou / Oyabin [じっぽう]
Juromaru [獣郎丸]
Kaede [楓]
Kaede (young) [楓(少女時代)]
Kageromaru [影郎丸]
Hitomi Kagewaki [人見蔭刀]
Kagura [神楽]
Kaijinbo [灰刃坊]
Kanna [神無]
Kanta [甘太]
Karan [夏嵐]
Kasumi Sennin [霞仙人]
Kawaramaru [瓦丸]
Keso [ケン]
Kikyo [桔梗]
Kirara [雲母]
Kisuke [喜助]
Kochou [胡蝶]
Kodoku [蠱毒]
Koga [鋼牙]
Kohaku [琥珀]
Koharu [小春]
Koryu [紅竜]
Koume [こう]
Koyuki [小雪]
Kuroro [クロロ]
Kyokotsu [凶骨]
Lizard Demon [イモリ妖怪]
Manten [満天]
Mantis Mutant
Mezu [馬頭]
Midoriko [翠子]
Mimisenri [耳千里]
Miroku [弥勒]
Miroku (young) [勒 (子供時代)]
Mizuki [みずき]
Momiji [紅葉]
Monkey God [猿神さま]
Moryomaru [魍魎丸]
Motoko [無男]
Mou-mou [猛々]
Mukotsu [霧骨]
Mushin [夢心]
Musou [無双]
Myoga [冥加]
Nanafushi [ナナフシ]
Naraku [奈落]
Nazuna [なずな]
Noh Mask [呪いの能面]
Nushi [主—大ナマズ]
Old man [おじいさん]
Old Woman [おばあさん]
Ongokuki [音獄鬼]
Onigumo [鬼蜘蛛]
Orge [鬼]
Orochidayu [オロチ太夫]
Oyakata [お館様]
Parasite Pupa
Praying Mantis
Princess in the Mist [姫]
Rasetsu no Kansuke [羅刹の勘助]
Rengokuki [煉獄鬼]
Renkotsu [煉骨]
Reverend [開道]
Rin [りん]
Royakan [狼野干]
Ryukotsusei [竜骨精]
Saimyoushou [最猛勝]
Salamander Monster [山椒魚妖怪]
Sango [珊瑚]
Sanpou / Oyapyon [さんぽう]
Sara [娑蘿]
Satsuki [サツキ]
Satsuki’s brother [サツキの兄]
Sayo [小夜]
Seikai [僧]
Seiri [青龍]
Serina [セリナ]
Sesshomaru [殺生丸]
Sha Gojo [沙悟凈]
Shako [シャコ]
Shihou / Myo [しほう]
Shikigami: Snake [式神]
Shima [志麻]
Shinosuke [篠助]
Shinsen Priest [神泉和尚]
Shintarou [新太郎]
Shiori [紫織]
Shippo [七宝]
Shironyuudou [白入道]
Shizu [紫津]
Shoga [生姜]
Shokichi [小吉]
Shouji [唱沈]
Shousuke [小助]
Shunran [春嵐]
Shuran [秋嵐]
Snow Demon [雪妖怪]
Snow Leopard [雪豹]
Son Goku [孙悟空]
Soul Catcher [死魂虫]
Giant Soul Catcher [巨大死魂虫]
Soul Piper [タタリモッケ]
Souten [蒼天]
Spider Head [蜘蛛頭]
Suekichi [末吉]
Suikotsu [睡骨]
Suzaku [朱雀]
Suzuna [スズナ]
Taigokumaru [大獄丸]
Kuranosukea Takeda [武田蔵之介]
Taromaru [太郎丸]
Tekkei [鉄鶏]
Tessu [鉄鼠]
Three-Tailed Kitsune [三尾の狐]
Toad of Tsukumo [九十九の蝦蟇]
Tokajin [桃果人]
Toran [冬嵐]
Totosai [刀々斎]
Tree of Human-faced Fruit [人面果]
Tsubaki [Tsubaki]
Tsubaki (young) [椿]
Tsukiyomi [月黄泉]
Tsukuyomaru [月夜丸]
Princess Tsuyu [露姫]
Un-mother [妖怪無女]
Ungai [雲涯]
Urasue [裏陶]
Wakana [若菜]
Water God (Evil) [ニセ水神]
Water Goddess [女神]
Weasel Demon [[いたち妖怪]
Wolf Demon Elder [長老]
Yuka [由加]
Yuki’s Brother
Yukichi [利吉]
Yura of the Demon-Hair [逆髮の結羅]
Yuuta [勇太]
Kikyo [桔梗]

The priestess [巫女] who guarded the Sacred Jewel fifty years ago. Well-known sealer of Inuyasha. Died from injuries the same day Inuyasha was pinned on the Sacred Tree. Revived by Urasue.

Voice ActorNoriko Hidaka
Inuyasha’ Jar#15 · #151 · #107 · #124 · #147 · 148 ·
Weapons / AttacksSacred arrow
SightingsEpisodes 1 · 2 · 14 · 15 · 18 · 19 · 20 · 21 · 22 · 23 · 26 · 32 · 33 · 40 · 41 · 42 · 43 · 47 · 48 · 60 · 61 · 62 · 64 · 70 · 71 · 81 · 82 · 87 · 92 · 98 · 107 · 108 · 109 · 113 · 115 · 116 · 119 · 120 · 121 · 122 · 123 · 124 · 125 · 147 · 148 · 151 · 154 · 158 · 159 · 164 · 165 · 166 · 167 · FA.02 ·

I never show anyone my weakness. I must never waver. Otherwise, some demon will get the better of me. I’m human, but I mustn’t be human. You and I have things in common. You, the half-demon. That’s why I couldn’t kill you.

If there is no Jewel, I become an ordinary woman.

My duty is to protect the Jewel. Without the Jewel, I'd become an ordinary woman.

Inuyasha and I parted despising each other. The love you speak of is but a shallow emotion which only served to deepen the hatred. Nothing is stronger in strengthening revolve than bitterness. If he must love, then love my consuming hatred. As for me, I will love his heart which is about to fall into deep despair.

(to Naraku) My physical self died on that day. But with this borrowed body, I feel more comfortable. I do not expect you to understand.

Men are such fools. They believe that as long as they embrace a woman, she belongs to them.

It's been fifty years since then... Inuyasha is still sealed to the Tree of Life. Inuyasha is as he was then. At that time, Sister knew her life was over. Then why did she choose to use a sealing arrow and not a purifying arrow? Why did she seal Inuyasha to the tree which transcends time, the Tree of Life? And why... although he hated my sister for sealing him onto the tree, Inuyasha's face still looks so peaceful? I still don't get it... I wonder if a day will come when I will fully understand...?

Naraku… Go and gather the fragments of the Sacred Jewel. When you have the complete Sacred Jewel, I will send you to Hell. I am free to hate. My soul is much more free than those days. Free to hate… Free to love…

No matter if she’s dead or alive, she has Inuyasha’s heart.

Looking at Kikyo’s sad face… For the first time in my life, I felt like I’d done something wrong. After that day, all I could think about was Kikyo. She was always near me… And I was always with her.

Seikai: Just what…are you trying to do? The living are carving new moments in their lives. But…Time has stopped for the dead, like you. It can never mix. How sad…

Rasetsu There are no temples around here. How can you travel without any money?

If you don’t believe me, go ahead and search.

Rasetsu Are you living on moss and algae?

Something like that.

You died before me, again… Where are you now? Who are you with now?

This nostalgic scent of her… It's just like back then. The only difference is that she has no warmth. Her body died…so it's cold…and sad…and lonely.

Your fake body of soil and bones… You can’t even bleed…

That was the first time I'd seen the Sacred Jewel. And... after she was given custody of it, Sister Kikyo's fate changed drastically. She would watch other girls her age indulge in make-up, paint their faces white, and enjoy their lives with vitality.

Death tollKilled Eye Monster · Seikai · Urasue ·
FanlistingRepose Eternal - Fanlisting for Kikyo
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