Spoilers ahead!

the cast

A-Un [阿吽]
Princess Abi [阿毘姫]
Akago [赤子]
Nobunaga Amari [甘利信長]
Ape Demon [ひひの妖怪]
Asano Souju [阿佐野双樹]
Asuka [飛鳥]
Ayame [菖蒲]
Ayumi [あゆみ]
Bankotsu [蛮骨]
Bear Demon [熊妖怪]
Bird of Paradise [極楽鳥]
Bokusen-Oh [朴仙翁]
Botan [牡丹]
Bunza [ブンザ]
Buso [ブン]
Byakko [白虎]
Centipede-Mistress [百足上臈]
Chiyo [千代]
Chokyuukai [猪九戒]
Clay Soldiers [人形兵]
Corpse Crow
Coyote-Demon [山犬妖怪]
Demon Head [鬼の首]
Demon Worm Charmer
Enju [炎珠]
Entei [炎蹄]
Eri [絵理]
Exorcist [祓い屋]
Eye Monster [化け物]
Flat Demon [妖怪平薄平]
Fox Demons [子狐妖怪]
Gakusanjin [岳山人]
Garamaru [蛾羅丸]
Gatenmaru [蛾天丸]
Genbu [玄武]
Ginkotsu [銀骨]
Ginta [銀太]
Gohou / Mew [ごほう]
Goryomaru [御霊丸]
Goshinki [悟心鬼]
Goso [ゴン]
Gozu [牛頭]
Gyuoh [牛王]
Haachi [八衛門狸]
Hair Monster [毛むくじゃらの化け物]
Hakkaku [白角]
Hakudoshi [白童子]
Hakushin [白心上人]
Hell-Painter [紅達]
Sota Higurashi [日暮草太]
Mama Higurashi [ママ]
Kagome Higurashi [日暮かごめ]
Gramps [じいちゃん]
Hijiri-sama [聖様]
Hiten [飛天]
Hitomi [ひとみ]
Hiyoshimaru [日吉丸]
Hojo [北条]
Akitoki Hojo
Hoshiyomi [星黄泉]
Housenki [宝仙鬼]
Housenki’s Son [宝仙鬼の息子]
Satoru Ikeda
Mrs. Ikeda [悟の母]
Mayu Ikeda [真由]
Inuyasha [犬夜叉]
Inuyasha’s mother [犬夜叉の母]
Inuyasha (young)
Inuyasha’s father [犬夜叉の父]
Ippou / Oyabun [いっぽう]
Izumo [出雲]
Jaken [邪見]
Jakotsu [蛇骨]
Jinenji [地念児]
Jippou / Oyabin [じっぽう]
Juromaru [獣郎丸]
Kaede [楓]
Kaede (young) [楓(少女時代)]
Kageromaru [影郎丸]
Hitomi Kagewaki [人見蔭刀]
Kagura [神楽]
Kaijinbo [灰刃坊]
Kanna [神無]
Kanta [甘太]
Karan [夏嵐]
Kasumi Sennin [霞仙人]
Kawaramaru [瓦丸]
Keso [ケン]
Kikyo [桔梗]
Kirara [雲母]
Kisuke [喜助]
Kochou [胡蝶]
Kodoku [蠱毒]
Koga [鋼牙]
Kohaku [琥珀]
Koharu [小春]
Koryu [紅竜]
Koume [こう]
Koyuki [小雪]
Kuroro [クロロ]
Kyokotsu [凶骨]
Lizard Demon [イモリ妖怪]
Manten [満天]
Mantis Mutant
Mezu [馬頭]
Midoriko [翠子]
Mimisenri [耳千里]
Miroku [弥勒]
Miroku (young) [勒 (子供時代)]
Mizuki [みずき]
Momiji [紅葉]
Monkey God [猿神さま]
Moryomaru [魍魎丸]
Motoko [無男]
Mou-mou [猛々]
Mukotsu [霧骨]
Mushin [夢心]
Musou [無双]
Myoga [冥加]
Nanafushi [ナナフシ]
Naraku [奈落]
Nazuna [なずな]
Noh Mask [呪いの能面]
Nushi [主—大ナマズ]
Old man [おじいさん]
Old Woman [おばあさん]
Ongokuki [音獄鬼]
Onigumo [鬼蜘蛛]
Orge [鬼]
Orochidayu [オロチ太夫]
Oyakata [お館様]
Parasite Pupa
Praying Mantis
Princess in the Mist [姫]
Rasetsu no Kansuke [羅刹の勘助]
Rengokuki [煉獄鬼]
Renkotsu [煉骨]
Reverend [開道]
Rin [りん]
Royakan [狼野干]
Ryukotsusei [竜骨精]
Saimyoushou [最猛勝]
Salamander Monster [山椒魚妖怪]
Sango [珊瑚]
Sanpou / Oyapyon [さんぽう]
Sara [娑蘿]
Satsuki [サツキ]
Satsuki’s brother [サツキの兄]
Sayo [小夜]
Seikai [僧]
Seiri [青龍]
Serina [セリナ]
Sesshomaru [殺生丸]
Sha Gojo [沙悟凈]
Shako [シャコ]
Shihou / Myo [しほう]
Shikigami: Snake [式神]
Shima [志麻]
Shinosuke [篠助]
Shinsen Priest [神泉和尚]
Shintarou [新太郎]
Shiori [紫織]
Shippo [七宝]
Shironyuudou [白入道]
Shizu [紫津]
Shoga [生姜]
Shokichi [小吉]
Shouji [唱沈]
Shousuke [小助]
Shunran [春嵐]
Shuran [秋嵐]
Snow Demon [雪妖怪]
Snow Leopard [雪豹]
Son Goku [孙悟空]
Soul Catcher [死魂虫]
Giant Soul Catcher [巨大死魂虫]
Soul Piper [タタリモッケ]
Souten [蒼天]
Spider Head [蜘蛛頭]
Suekichi [末吉]
Suikotsu [睡骨]
Suzaku [朱雀]
Suzuna [スズナ]
Taigokumaru [大獄丸]
Kuranosukea Takeda [武田蔵之介]
Taromaru [太郎丸]
Tekkei [鉄鶏]
Tessu [鉄鼠]
Three-Tailed Kitsune [三尾の狐]
Toad of Tsukumo [九十九の蝦蟇]
Tokajin [桃果人]
Toran [冬嵐]
Totosai [刀々斎]
Tree of Human-faced Fruit [人面果]
Tsubaki [Tsubaki]
Tsubaki (young) [椿]
Tsukiyomi [月黄泉]
Tsukuyomaru [月夜丸]
Princess Tsuyu [露姫]
Un-mother [妖怪無女]
Ungai [雲涯]
Urasue [裏陶]
Wakana [若菜]
Water God (Evil) [ニセ水神]
Water Goddess [女神]
Weasel Demon [[いたち妖怪]
Wolf Demon Elder [長老]
Yuka [由加]
Yuki’s Brother
Yukichi [利吉]
Yura of the Demon-Hair [逆髮の結羅]
Yuuta [勇太]
Kageromaru [影郎丸]

The older of the short-lived brothers, who are the fourth detachments of Naraku. They seek to kill every living thing around them and are very swift in their movemnts. He is the smaller brother who sleeps in Jurmomaru's belly. Juromaru only listens to him.

Voice ActorTakumi Yamazaki
Inuyasha’ Jar#46 ·
SightingsEpisodes 46 ·
Death noteAnnihilated by Inuyasha's Tetsusaiga.
Last words“It's too late for you to notice.”
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Hitomi Kagewaki [人見蔭刀]

Young lord of the Hitomi family who helped Sango survive. Through an insidious plot, Naraku took over his castle and status. Naraku frequently appear in this form.

Voice ActorToshiyuki Morikawa
Inuyasha’ Jar#25 ·
SightingsEpisodes 24 · 25 ·
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Kagura [神楽]

One of the more permanent detachments of Naraku. Longs for freedom from him. Like the Poison insects, she is like an errand-girl for Naraku too. Since her appearance, Naraku lurks less in his baboon suit; she took over the position of the lurker and spies on everyone else.

Voice ActorIzumi Ohgami
Inuyasha’ Jar#121 · #40 ·
Weapons / AttacksA fan with which she is able create and control wind. Attacks include Wind Blades [風刃], Corpse Dance [屍舞] and Dance of the Wind Sword [竜蛇の舞]. She also has a feather which transports her around.
SightingsEpisodes 39 · 40 · 41 · 42 · 43 · 45 · 49 · 50 · 60 · 61 · 62 · 63 · 64 · 66 · 67 · 70 · 71 · 79 · 80 · 81 · 82 · 117 · 118 · 121 · 123 · 124 · 125 · 126 · 131 · 135 · 141 · 142 · 143 · 144 · 145 · 146 · 149 · 150 · 151 · 152 · 153 · 155 · 156 · 157 · 158 · 163 · 165 · 166 · 167 · FA.01 · FA.02 ·

It's kindness to let him [Kohaku] die without remembering a thing.

I came following the scent of blood and miasma.

I see. You thought it was Naraku. Are you disappointed? That I wasn't Naraku.

(pause) I knew it was you.

I see... (thinking: You came.. knowing it was me, huh?)

Kagura slouches over.

(thinking: Tenseiga cannot save her.) You're leaving?

Yeah, it's enough. (thinking: In the end, I got to see you.)

Now, go. Wherever you desire. Go and enjoy it. The short time you have left. Although, all you will feel is anguish and despair. Kagura, that is the freedom you wished for.

Death tollKilled Hijiri-sama ·
Death noteSlow death after Naraku returned her heart and fatally injured her.
Last words“I am the wind. As free as the wind.”
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Kaijinbo [灰刃坊]

Totosai's disciple who was banished for making evil swords. Made Tokijin [闘鬼神] from the fangs of Goshinki, but was overtaken by its evil aura. Also forged the Halberd of Yin and Yang [乾坤の薙刀] for Hoshiyomi.

Voice ActorTakeshi Aono
Inuyasha’ Jar#44 ·
SightingsEpisodes 44 · 45 ·
Death noteDestroyed by Tokijin's evil aura, in a fight with Inuyasha.
Last words“Totosai… Your sword isn't much.”
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Kanna [神無]

Kagura's elder sister - the demon of nothingness [無の妖怪]. Speaks softly and is always expressionless. The least irritating of Naraku's detachments.

Voice ActorYukana
Inuyasha’ Jar#42 · #120 ·
Weapons / AttacksA mirror that absorbs souls and repels attacks.
SightingsEpisodes 41 · 42 · 53 · 61 · 62 · 66 · 67 · 69 · 70 · 80 · 111 · 113 · 116 · 117 · 121 · 123 · 126 · 141 · 149 · 152 · 153 · 165 · 166 · 167 · FA.01 ·

The longer I endure this world, the more lovely the midnight moon.

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Kanta [甘太]

A hapless tanuki in search for her father's body, whose head was slain by Hakudoshi. Shippo was obliged to help her as she reminded him of his plight.

Voice ActorMiki Narahashi
Inuyasha’ Jar#143 ·
SightingsEpisodes 143 ·
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Karan [夏嵐]

Third sister of the Panther Devas [豹猫族]. The Panther Devas come from the West, and had fierce battles with both Sesshomaru and his father. The four siblings tried to revive their leader, Lord Oyakata with the Sacred Jewel. They plotted to kill Sesshomaru and Inuyasha to avenge him.

Voice ActorToko Teppouzuka
Inuyasha’ Jar#76 ·
Weapons / AttacksFlame attacks [火炎攻撃]
SightingsEpisodes 75 · 76 · 77 ·
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Kasumi Sennin [霞仙人]

Saints who brew the legendary sake that Mushin likes. Mysterious tiny demons who use 'sake fog' to intoxicate any intruders into the mountains.

SightingsEpisodes 135 ·
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Kawaramaru [瓦丸]

A warrior who was killed by his followers. Upon resurrection by Urasue, the spell to manipulate the clay figurines were passed to him. He modified them and infused the bones with poisonous fumes, in an invasion campaign to conquer neighboring states. The fumes will melt a person's skin and flesh, so that the bones left can be used to make more soldiers. Wanted Enju to continue making clay figurines for him, but was refused. Unlike Enju, he has a strong will to live and to kill, to comfort his soul. Affectionately calls Urasue as his mother.

Voice ActorSeiji Sasaki
Inuyasha’ Jar#92 ·
Weapons / AttacksMainly uses the clay soldiers that he revived. Is also able to summon 'Demon of Hell', which is a gigantic clay warrior.
SightingsEpisodes 92 ·
Death noteKilled by Inuyasha's Wind Scar.
Last words“I’ll have him crush you with a finger!”
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Keso [ケン]

Three monkey spirits who were in charge of taking care of the Spirit Stone of the Monkey God. From the left: Buso [ブン], Keso [ケン] and Goso [ゴン]. Very mischievous, love acorns and forgetful.

Voice ActorKaori Shimizu
Inuyasha’ Jar#88 ·
Weapons / AttacksUses illusionary magic like enlarged stones and Spinning Acorn. The three of them can join together to form a long yellow balloon.
SightingsEpisodes 88 ·
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Kikyo [桔梗]

The priestess [巫女] who guarded the Sacred Jewel fifty years ago. Well-known sealer of Inuyasha. Died from injuries the same day Inuyasha was pinned on the Sacred Tree. Revived by Urasue.

Voice ActorNoriko Hidaka
Inuyasha’ Jar#124 · #15 · #151 · #107 · #147 · 148 ·
Weapons / AttacksSacred arrow
SightingsEpisodes 1 · 2 · 14 · 15 · 18 · 19 · 20 · 21 · 22 · 23 · 26 · 32 · 33 · 40 · 41 · 42 · 43 · 47 · 48 · 60 · 61 · 62 · 64 · 70 · 71 · 81 · 82 · 87 · 92 · 98 · 107 · 108 · 109 · 113 · 115 · 116 · 119 · 120 · 121 · 122 · 123 · 124 · 125 · 147 · 148 · 151 · 154 · 158 · 159 · 164 · 165 · 166 · 167 · FA.02 ·

(to Naraku) My physical self died on that day. But with this borrowed body, I feel more comfortable. I do not expect you to understand.

Men are such fools. They believe that as long as they embrace a woman, she belongs to them.

It's been fifty years since then... Inuyasha is still sealed to the Tree of Life. Inuyasha is as he was then. At that time, Sister knew her life was over. Then why did she choose to use a sealing arrow and not a purifying arrow? Why did she seal Inuyasha to the tree which transcends time, the Tree of Life? And why... although he hated my sister for sealing him onto the tree, Inuyasha's face still looks so peaceful? I still don't get it... I wonder if a day will come when I will fully understand...?

Naraku… Go and gather the fragments of the Sacred Jewel. When you have the complete Sacred Jewel, I will send you to Hell. I am free to hate. My soul is much more free than those days. Free to hate… Free to love…

I never show anyone my weakness. I must never waver. Otherwise, some demon will get the better of me. I’m human, but I mustn’t be human. You and I have things in common. You, the half-demon. That’s why I couldn’t kill you.

If there is no Jewel, I become an ordinary woman.

My duty is to protect the Jewel. Without the Jewel, I'd become an ordinary woman.

Inuyasha and I parted despising each other. The love you speak of is but a shallow emotion which only served to deepen the hatred. Nothing is stronger in strengthening revolve than bitterness. If he must love, then love my consuming hatred. As for me, I will love his heart which is about to fall into deep despair.

Your fake body of soil and bones… You can’t even bleed…

That was the first time I'd seen the Sacred Jewel. And... after she was given custody of it, Sister Kikyo's fate changed drastically. She would watch other girls her age indulge in make-up, paint their faces white, and enjoy their lives with vitality.

No matter if she’s dead or alive, she has Inuyasha’s heart.

Looking at Kikyo’s sad face… For the first time in my life, I felt like I’d done something wrong. After that day, all I could think about was Kikyo. She was always near me… And I was always with her.

Seikai: Just what…are you trying to do? The living are carving new moments in their lives. But…Time has stopped for the dead, like you. It can never mix. How sad…

Rasetsu There are no temples around here. How can you travel without any money?

If you don’t believe me, go ahead and search.

Rasetsu Are you living on moss and algae?

Something like that.

You died before me, again… Where are you now? Who are you with now?

This nostalgic scent of her… It's just like back then. The only difference is that she has no warmth. Her body died…so it's cold…and sad…and lonely.

Death tollKilled Eye Monster · Seikai · Urasue ·
FanlistingRepose Eternal - Fanlisting for Kikyo
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Kirara [雲母]

Two-tailed cat that accompanies Sango on her journey. Usually, she is a cute little cat, but is able to transform five times bigger into a fierce, flying tiger. Has an affinity with Shippo and Inuyasha.

Inuyasha’ Jar#30 · #101 · #163 ·

Don't worry, Kirara's the most reliable of us all!

ReadingsYoukaimura ·
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Kisuke [喜助]

A helpful guy who takes care of the village girls when Chokyuukai came around abducting girls as his bride. Asked Kaede and the Inuyasha-gang for help. Popular with girls.

Voice ActorTakashi Kondo
SightingsEpisodes 129 ·
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Kochou [胡蝶]

Kikyo's shikigami (puppets). After she was attacked by the reborn Naraku, and fell into a poison pool, she became very weak and had to use the puppet Hijiri-sama to protect the villagers. Kochou and Asuka accompanies this Hijiri-sama.

Voice ActorYuki Masuda
Inuyasha’ Jar#150 ·
SightingsEpisodes 149 · 150 · 151 · 153 · 158 · 165 ·
NotesMeaning of name: Butterfly
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Kodoku [蠱毒]

The last remaining demon to survive at the end under the Fuko spell, which was used by Naraku to regenerate his body.

Voice ActorTadahisa Saizen
Inuyasha’ Jar#32 ·
SightingsEpisodes 32 ·
Death noteReleased from the Fuko spell by Kikyo's arrow, and merged into Naraku's new body.
Readings最新現代漢語大詞典 - The World Boook Co. Ptd Ltd, HK, 1995. ·
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Koga [鋼牙]

Leader of one Wolf-Demon Tribe. First appears in episode 35. Has the hots for Kagome, therefore appears frequently.

Voice ActorTaiki Matsuno
Inuyasha’ Jar#99 · #36 · #117 ·
Weapons / AttacksMain strength is his speed and strong legs (powered by 2 Sacred Jewel Fragments). Carries a sword, but has never been seen using it. Attained Goraishi in The Final Act Episode 2, a set of claws made from the souls of the Demon Wolf Tribe which protects him from a power that is not of this world once.
Sacred Jewel2 fragments
SightingsEpisodes 35 · 36 · 37 · 39 · 40 · 46 · 66 · 67 · 69 · 75 · 76 · 77 · 83 · 84 · 88 · 99 · 102 · 106 · 107 · 110 · 111 · 113 · 114 · 117 · 118 · 119 · 120 · 121 · 122 · 124 · 125 · FA.01 · FA.02 ·
Death tollKilled Hair Monster · Kyokotsu ·
FanlistingAlacrity - Shrine and fanlisting for Koga
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Kohaku [琥珀]

Sango's brother who was possessed during his first demon-slaying attempt with the Demon-Slayers. Ended up killing the entire group, and severely injuring Sango. First appeared and died after being hit by arrows in episode 24. Resurrected by Naraku in episode 29 with a Sacred Jewel shard.

Voice ActorAkiko Yajima
Inuyasha’ Jar#163 · #100 · #152 · #29 · #159 · #81 ·
Weapons / AttacksSickle-chain
Sacred Jewel1 fragment from Naraku.
SightingsEpisodes 24 · 25 · 29 · 30 · 49 · 50 · 80 · 81 · 82 · 100 · 102 · 103 · 107 · 109 · 110 · 111 · 113 · 115 · 116 · 118 · 123 · 151 · 152 · 153 · 157 · 158 · 159 · 163 · 164 · 165 · FA.02 ·

I’m not sad at all…

I feel as though that kind woman will become unhappy… all because of me.

This castle sure is peaceful. It seems like I've lived with a lot of people like this before... But I can't seem to remember when it was...

There's nowhere to run. Are you ready?

I've been ready forever! But I don't feel like dying here!

Kohaku! Hand over the Zushi! Once I destroy that Zushi, the rats will disappear! Remember, Kohaku! You are, you are a demon exterminator!

NotesMeaning of name: Opal
FanlistingTangled Strings - Fanlisting for Kohaku
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Koharu [小春]

A girl who fell in love with Miroku when she was eleven, after he gave her a rice ball. Her soul was absorbed by Kanna's mirror. One of the few women who is actually eager to bear Miroku's child.

Voice ActorRie Iwatsubo
Inuyasha’ Jar#41 ·
SightingsEpisodes 41 · 42 ·
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Koryu [紅竜]

Souten's pet dragon. It changes into a thunder cloud after being hit on the head three times. This fast talking dragon does the research and running around for Souten.

Voice ActorIkue Ohtani
Weapons / AttacksThunder arrows
SightingsEpisodes 68 ·

Koryu Evil minds are so active.

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Koume [こう]

A gentle girl who took care of Kuroro. While looking for her, she mistook Kirara for Kuroro and hence befriended Shippo and became his second crush.

Voice ActorYuri Shiratori
Inuyasha’ Jar#91 ·
SightingsEpisodes 91 ·
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